Want to make an appointment with Dr. Jacqueline Weisbein?
Dr. Weisbein is available for in-person and Telehealth appointments. Dr. Weisbein offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary care for individuals with acute and chronic pain. To schedule a new patient appointment, please contact us by calling(707) 254-7117or submit an Online Appointment Request here: New Patient Intake Form
Existing patients, please contact us by calling (707) 603-1078.
If you schedule a Telehealth appointment, you will have the appointment from the comfort of your own home via cell phone, tablet, or computer. You will sit in front of a camera where you will be able to see yourself and Dr. Weisbein on the screen once your appointment session begins. Telemedicine appointments are HIPPA compliant, and most insurances are now covering Telemedicine.
3273 Claremont Way
Suite 100
Napa, CA 94558
New Patients
Existing Patients